The Artisan Bread Company - Part of the Solution
Those are the words that characterize what motivates Scott Parsons to do what he does. Scott is an artisan baker in Wenatchee, who bakes special breads, rolls, and pizza crusts. He sells these in his shop and distributes to restaurants such as Campbell’s Resort in Lake Chelan, Cafe Mela, The Windmill, The Bar - Organic Cafe and Deli and other restaurants in the Wenatchee Valley area.
Where he is most visible is at the Wenatchee Valley Farmers Market selling breads flavored with basil, garlic, dill, olives, peppers, apples and raisins, Bavarian dark rye with caraway seeds, and his very popular rosemary bread. His products are substantial and flavorful and never leave that cloying sweet aftertaste found in the mass produced over processed bread products at the supermarket.
How does an artisan baker survive in these times where many are seeking gluten free products? Scott says that his bread is made with a long ferment process taking 18-36 hours of fermentation which allows gluten proteins to break down and lowers the glycemic index of the bread.
Scott explains that bread is a basic human food and that bread made in the traditional manner is healthy. He has had reports from people who are sensitive to gluten “sneaking” a taste of his bread and finding no ill effects as a result, and many realize that they can have bread made with the long ferment technique.
Scott was initially on the track to a career in medicine, but while at Carleton College became keenly aware that prevention of disease was more of a calling to him than treating the aftermath (symptoms) of poor eating habits. He came to realize through his research, travels to areas inhabited by indigenous people and life experience that eating the right nutritious food is the best way to prevent a number of ailments. Scott has been a practitioner and advocate of organic gardening and farming since 1972. This is the passion that drove Scott to be a part of, and promote, farmers markets over the years.
Here is a dinner put together with Artisan Bread Company's toasted rosemary bread and Tieton Farm "Sonnet" soft ripened cheese, onion and zucchini frittata topped with tomatoes and basil from Spencer Farm.
If you are in the Wenatchee area, visit the Artisan Bread Company or the Wenatchee Valley Farmers Market and try the flavorful hand crafted breads made with traditional methods.
The Artisan Bread Company is Located at: 1556 North Wenatchee Avenue Wenatchee, WA 98801 509-670-6195 Comments
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